Para quem gosta da Sean Cody, a saída de Brandon foi a decepção do ano, muitos dizem que suas performânces nunca foram as melhores, mas que Brandon era a cara da SC ninguém pode negar. Agora na MEN como Brandon Cody, vamos ter que nos apaixonar por ele novamente. Nesta primeira cena Johnny Rapid e Brandon contam como eles entraram para o pornô gay, e depois da conversa Brandon fode o cuzinho peludo e delicioso do Johnny.
For those who like Sean Cody, Brandon’s departure was the disappointment of the year, many say that his performances were never the best, but that Brandon was the face of SC no one can deny. Now at MEN as Brandon Cody, we’re going to have to fall in love with him again. In this first scene Johnny Rapid and Brandon tell how they got into gay porn, and after the conversation Brandon fucks Johnny’s hairy and delicious ass.